Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Keep Your Dogs Cool!!

Heat Wave!!

Man! It is really hot for Fall! LA hit a record high of 113 degrees yesterday. If you have pets, keep them indoors. If you have to keep them outdoors, make sure that they have plenty of shade and a lot of water. One bowl of water is not enough for the entire day. A big bucket or several bowls is a good option. Keep the water in the shade as it can get too hot for the dog to drink.

Another tip to keep your pups cool is to give them crushed ice. This is really a special treat for them! You can also put ice in their water bowls for a refreshing drink!

Pools are great for dogs too! However, if you are like me and are without a pool, I have an alternative - a kiddie pool!! Tomorrow I will be setting up a kiddie pool for my puppies, I will post pics. A kiddie pool for dogs is safe, as there is no chance they can drown - I still recommend supervision. Dogs can jump in out as they please. If your dog is not accustomed to water, they may be a bit skeptical at first. Do not try to force them in, just let them investigate on their own. They will be curious and check it out.

Set up your mini pools and watch as your dogs have fun and cool off! :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Best Book Ever!

I hope you all had very Merry Holidays and spent valuable time with your family & friends. I received a great book in my stocking this year. It is called, "Chicken soup for the Dog Lover's Soul" written by compilations from various authors including Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Marty Becker, D.V.M., Carol Kline and Amy D. Shojai. I'm sure most of you are familiar with the Chicken Soup series. The stories are all heart wrenching and have beautiful morals. This is by far, the best book in the Chicken Soup series. I stay up late at night with tears in my eyes reading all the inspirational stories. They truly make me happy. If you love animals, you will love this book. There are truly incredible dogs out there, and if people just take the time, they will begin to notice and appreciate just how special animals are. I don't want to give away any stories -- just read it! You can order online at www.amazon.com starting at around $10, I think my copy was purchased from Barnes & Nobles for $14.95. This book makes a perfect gift for the animal lover!