Monday, November 23, 2009

Dog & Cat Fur Trade!!!!

Many people do not know about the TERRIBLE Dog and Cat trade that goes on behind closed doors. Any killing of animals for fur is devastating, but the killing of dogs and cats for their fur is only too common, and the public goes unaware of the brutal murders of this harmless animals. Peta has several hidden cameras that show a peek of the monstrosity that is ongoing. If you are brave enough to watch, their are two links posted below.

Please do not support this. Do not wear or buy fur made from any kind of animal. It is not worth it. If you own fur, you can send it in to Peta. Write letters to the designers that still use fur, do not buy fur, voice your opinion to friends who still wear fur, there are sooo many ways to help! Please speak up for these animals that have no way of standing up for themselves. Everyday, thousandsYOU can help!!

- 73% of fur farms are in Europe, 12% in North America, and the rest are dispersed in Argentina, China, and Russia.

- 85% of the fur industry's skins come from animals living captive in fur factory farms, which hold thousands of animals and their farming practices are remarkably uniform around the globe. All they care about is maximizing profits, even at the expense of the animals. :(

-No federal humane slaughter law protects animals in fur factory farms, and killing methods are gruesome. Because fur farms care only about preserving the quality of the fur, they use slaughter methods that keep the pelts intact but that can result in extreme suffering for the animals. Animals may have clamps attached to them or rods forced into their mouths and rods are forced into their anuses, and they are painfully electrocuted. Others are poisoned with strychnine, which suffocates them by paralyzing their muscles with painful, rigid cramps. Gassing and neck-breaking are other common slaughter methods in fur factory farms.

Here are some easy suggestions from the Peta website to get involved!!

Get Active

9 Easy Ways to Make a Statement About Fur

1. Shop ’til they drop! Whenever you’re ready to hit the shopping mall, make sure you don a fur "public service announcement" before heading out the door. Attach an anti-fur button to your winter coat or, if Aunt Irma’s old moth-eaten mink stole is still hanging around in the attic, dust it off and bring it up to date with a red paint job and an anti-fur message. A similar impact could be made with a red-paint-spattered fake fur or a jazzed-up jean jacket decorated with colorful designs and catchy slogans.

2. Sponsor an ad! To see the anti-fur ads that are available from PETA, click here.

3. Confront "cavepeople"! To let fur-wearers know that their choice of outerwear is outdated, you don’t have to go as far as Megan and friends, who, disturbed by the number of unenlightened people they saw wearing fur at the annual Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena, Calif., decided to take action. Every time they saw someone wearing fur, they yelled, "Fur!" and showered the fur-wearer with a "snowstorm" of marshmallows. Just start up a conversation within hearing distance about the gruesome facts of fur, or hand out a fur card.

4. Stick to the subject! Use PETA’s anti-fur stickers to decorate everything from envelopes to handbags. (We’ve seen stickers in the most unusual places, like tollbooths, escalators, public telephones, and even foreheads!)

5. Show PETA’s "Fur Farming Exposé" video at an information table, at a demonstration, or to a local environmental group. Narrated by Stella McCartney, it goes behind the scenes of a fur farm to expose the animal suffering that makes the fur trade an international disgrace. To order, contact our Merchandise Department, or call PETA for information on how to order the video on loan.

6. Hit the streets! Help spread the word with fur cards and leaflets. Click here to order anti-fur and anti-leather leaflets, posters, bumper stickers, and cards.

7. Adopt a theater! Symphonies, ballets, and other theatrical events—including movies—often bring out the fur in people. Make a date with a friend to distribute cards or leaflets outside a local theater every Friday or Saturday night (or both!).

8. Keep ’em posted! Remember, the pen is mightier than the sword, so take every opportunity to educate and protest in writing. Share the shocking facts about fur by writing brief letters to the editors of your local newspapers. Write to papers and television and radio stations any time you see or hear a fur ad. Be sure to complain to department stores with fur salons and to stores and mail-order catalogs that carry fur items. (Some activists remove those annoying subscription cards from magazines that flagrantly flaunt cruel fashions, write anti-fur messages on them, and pop them in the mail—letting the periodicals pay for the postage!) Always keep a stack of PETA fur cards and leaflets on hand to include with bill payments, orders, and anything else you mail.

9. Demonstrate your passion for compassion! Pick up a sign and take up a position on the sidewalk in front of the local fur salon or shopping mall. A demonstration can be anything from one person handing out leaflets to a daunting parade of "mourners" at a fur "funeral." The possibilities are limited only by your imagination! Scan the history of our fur campaign for numerous demo ideas from successful past protests.

Friday, November 13, 2009

John Fussell, CHANEL's National MakeUp Artist!!

I had a fabulous opportunity to meet John Fussell, who is the National Makeup Artist for CHANEL. He is so creative with his techniques! I was amazed with his talents. He has been featured in national magazines, television, film. If you have a chance, go see him, he works wonders. Every woman leaves looking beautiful and feeling confident. I saw first hand the way women changed once they felt confident with their new look. He does events in the LA area. He was at Bloomingdales yesterday in Century City, close to Beverly Hills.

Check him out on the CHANEL website to see where he'll be next! The new 2009 Holiday is AMAZING! The Trapeze nail color is flying off the shelves!!

Here are a few tips I learned yesterday:

- When applying mascara apply to both the upper and lower lashes (2/3 to upper, 1/3 to lower). It will look strange if you don't apply a coat of mascara to your lower lashes.

- When applying red lipstick, remember it is a process. Red lipstick can be tricky, apply lip liner, lipstick and gloss in stages to achieve that bold red lip. Not everyone can wear the same red color

- By applying dark eye liner in the water crest in a smoky eye, it'll give a contrast of dark to light from the inner eye out very gradually. It is a beautiful look. So start darkest close to the lash line and expand out.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Eco-Friendly Kitty Litter!!

Cat People!

Today I just purchased new eco-friendly kitty litter for my cuddly cat, Pedro. Feline Pine Scoop is an all natural litter made from renewable Southern Yellow Pine and Natural Guar Bean Gum. It is 100% chemical free, so you don't have to worry about any unwanted toxins in your home, especially if you have children. If you have any kitties, I recommend using this brand, it is biodegradable and won't fill up our landfills. This kitty litter is also highly absorbent and does a great job of masking odors! Pine naturally neutralizes ammonia (found in kitty waste). One thing I really like about it is that it is very light! I used to dread picking up kitty litter because it was so heavy! Try this light-weight litter out for yourself! I purchased this from a local pet shop in town. You can also order it online.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Turkey-Less Thanksgiving

Hello Happy Thanksgiving-ers!

I love this time of the year and I can't wait to spend time with the fam and enjoy some tasty food! You can still enjoy the traditional Thanksgiving Meal without cooking a turkey this holiday. The Peta website listed three excellent recipea for a Faux Turkey.

Check it out!! (Photos courtesy of

There are three different recipes to choose from; Tofurky Roast, Celebration Roast, & Veggie Turkey Roast with Wild Rice and Cranberry Stuffing. This year we are hosting Thanksgiving for the first time, so I am making the Celebration Roast is a vegan grain meat that has the same consistency of sausage made into stuffing using butternut squash, apples, and mushrooms. Mmm, sounds delicious! You can purchase it from Whole Foods (My city just got a Whole Foods which I am so excited about!!).

Ellen Degeneres Is Now A Vegan!!

I am so happy that Ellen Dengeneres is now a vegan! I love her and watch her show almost everyday. She is such an amazing and talented person! She watched documentaries like "Meet Your Meat" & read books like "Diet For A New America", that opened her eyes to the cruel world of factory farms. Ellen is truly an inspiration and I hope many people follow her example of becoming a vegan!!